
Iain Crawford

So, on Friday I went down to London for the day. Originally, I was going to look around the London College of Fashion foundation course. However, the only time that photographer Iain Crawford could meet me was at the same time as the open day, so I took a chance and met him instead. I am so glad that I did. He was so incredibly helpful, it was amazing. I mentioned Gareth Pugh being my favourite designer ever ever ever and he was like, "what's his name, Gareth Pugh? Right, I'm sure I can get you an introduction". !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then offered to introduce me to other people who I would "definitely know". And then said that if I remind him in January, he might be able to get me tickets to some of the shows. Seriously. Best day of my life. It really seems like it can all happen, like this can be a reality. He said he was impressed by my work and offered various advice. Wow, it was really just so great.

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